Cockroaches in the Kitchen
It’s late evening and you’re feeling hungry. You head to the kitchen for a snack and flip on the light. Then, your heart starts hammering as cockroaches scatter to the nearest hiding spots. Finding cockroaches in the kitchen is annoying, not to mention disgusting and upsetting. After all, this could mean you have a roach infestation you didn’t know about. Roaches often infest kitchens because these rooms have everything cockroaches need to survive. This includes water, food, and plenty of places to hide.
If you find cockroaches in your kitchen, it’s time to do something to keep these pests away. How you address the problem depends partly on which type of cockroach you find. Depending on the type, you may or may not have an infestation. Let’s learn more about the types of cockroaches most commonly found in American homes.
Finding one of the bigger types of cockroaches in your kitchen can be more alarming than finding smaller ones, simply because of their size. Oriental cockroaches grow to about an inch-and-a-half long and about a half-inch wide. These roaches are dark brown or black in color. American cockroaches are a medium reddish-brown color and are even bigger. They can grow up to two inches long and a full half-inch wide.
Both American and Oriental cockroaches can run several miles per hour, which is shocking in itself (even worse, some roaches can actually fly!). Still, finding an American or Oriental cockroach indoors may not mean you have a full-blown roach problem. In many cases, these roaches accidentally find their way indoors from the outside. They live outdoors in nests they build in rotting logs or underneath piles of vegetation. Sometimes, they wander inside in search of warmth, food or water.
Finding German cockroaches in your kitchen might be less startling. German roaches are much smaller than their American and Oriental cousins. This type of roach grows to less than a half-inch in length and a quarter-inch wide. These cockroaches are typically a tan or light-brown color, and they don’t wander in from the outdoors like other, larger roaches. They are usually brought into your home accidentally. Sometimes they hitchhike on grocery bags, luggage, or furniture.
Unfortunately, German cockroaches are extremely prolific. Female German cockroaches can produce hundreds of eggs in their lifetime. Finding even one German cockroach in your kitchen is a sign that you may have a full-blown infestation. Cockroaches of all types are very good at hiding in dark, protected spaces. Some of these hiding spots include behind the refrigerator, stove or kitchen cabinets. This is why people can have cockroach infestations they don’t even know about—these insects are impeccable at hiding.
A cockroach infestation should be treated as soon as possible because of the problems cockroaches can present. In a typical kitchen, cockroaches will feed on anything they can find. This includes crumbs and grease splatters or pantry food that hasn’t been stored in airtight containers. They’ll even consume paper goods, including paper towel rolls, wallpaper and books, as well as the glue that binds books’ pages together.
The point is that cockroaches will eat almost anything, and they create unsanitary conditions in a kitchen. Cockroach infestations have also been associated with respiratory issues like asthma. Additionally, these pests are carriers of many diseases, pathogens, and several types of bacteria.
Getting rid of cockroaches on your own can be a lengthy and difficult process, if not an impossible one. Still, there are many things you can do to make your kitchen and the rest of your home less appealing to these pests. But, if you’re dealing with a cockroach infestation, these steps will work best in tandem with professional treatments. A pest control specialist can identify the cockroaches you have in your home and where they are nesting. Then, they can advise you on the best pest treatments.
Keeping your home clean will go a long way toward keeping cockroaches away. This is especially important in the kitchen along with any other room where food is eaten. Roaches are also drawn to water sources like leaky faucets and pipes, pets’ water bowls and potted plants. Fixing any leaks and dumping out any standing water will deter roaches.
Limiting cockroaches’ ability to get inside your house will also help combat these pests. Many roaches that live outside get indoors through small openings such as weep holes, tears in window screens or gaps around vents. Fixing or blocking off these types of opening will help to keep roaches outside, where they belong.
Still, even people who follow these steps can still have roach problems inside their homes. This is where a pest control specialist can really help. These pros have the knowledge and skills along with the products and techniques needed to get rid of a roach infestation. It may take some time as well as multiple treatments and techniques to control these pests. The sooner you consult with a pest control professional, the sooner you’ll be on your way toward reclaiming your home.
If you notice signs of an infestation, it’s time to get professional help to diagnose and address your pest problem. Roaches can cause health and sanitation issues. These pests can infest even clean, well-maintained homes. They can also live for extended periods without food or water, so “starving them out” by removing food and water sources may not work. In many cases, the quickest and most effective way to deal with a cockroach problem in your home is to contact a professional. These pros have the best products and techniques for getting rid of these pests.